Re|Start is a plan to clarify and refocus what we do at Central around the vision.

Survey Feedback
We asked for your feedback in a congregational survey to begin our Re|Start process. The survey concluded in December, and 229 of you gave us your feedback. Below you will see a summary of the results.

Under 50 Years of Age

Over 50 Years of Age

Under 50 Years of Age

Over 50 Years of Age

Under 50 Years of Age

Over 50 Years of Age

Under 50 Years of Age

Over 50 Years of Age

Under 50 Years of Age

Over 50 Years of Age

Under 50 Years of Age

Over 50 Years of Age

Under 50 Years of Age

Over 50 Years of Age

Focus Group Feedback
The Re|Start team met with a diverse group of individuals regarding each formation zone at Central. These focus groups shared considerable feedback which gave the team action items for each zone, as you'll see below.
1. Target resources to specific age groups based on what they need (life-stage).
2. Provide offerings/classes which focus on deep truths, what we believe and difficult questions.
1. Groups are confusing and exclusive.
2. Clarify the purpose for Bible class and groups.
3. Desire for intergenerational community & need for spiritual relationships (mentoring).
Inner Life
1. There was an appreciation for Central’s willingness and openness to explore Inner Life practices and to share them as a church.
2. Offer various inner-life options/experiences.
3. Define/rename the zone.
1. This is the strongest zone at Central.
2. Mission with neighbors is lacking.