Central Local Missions
Central & The PARC

The PARC, Panhandle Adult Rebuilding Center (413 SW 6th Street), is a refuge for our city’s homeless, providing a safe place during the day where men and women reclaim their identity and purpose in Christian community. Three years ago, The PARC was open four days a week and seeing fewer than 20 clients per day. Today, due in large part to Central’s generosity, The PARC is open five days per week and working with more than 50 clients per day.
This year Central has given another $25,000 to The PARC to fund the salary of Kara Word, the group’s Director of Development. Kara is raising The PARC’s profile in our city, shoring up the organization’s financial stability, and managing the blessings and the difficulties that come with such rapid growth.
Central Breakfast at The PARC
9:00am Thursday April 4
Our entire church family is invited to a free breakfast at The PARC this Thursday to meet the staff, take a tour, learn more about the ministry there, thank and encourage Valerie and Kara, or ask questions about the many volunteer opportunities. Please join us!
Volunteer Opportunities @ The PARC

Friday Lunch
We need one volunteer or group of volunteers to provide and serve lunch for 50 people one Friday per month for one year. Volunteers can cook the meal or pick something up from a restaurant. Either way, you must be willing to interact relationally with those you serve. Enlist your Bible class or your small group to take this on as a mission.

Craft Room
We need four volunteers to spend two hours per week working on arts and crafts projects with those experiencing homelessness ― painting, woodworking, scrapbooking, art, clay, etc. Volunteers may also attend morning Bible studies at The PARC and/or skills training classes. This is a relational ministry opportunity for mutual encouragement, mercy, and grace.

Coffee Bar
We need at least two volunteers to stock The PARC’s coffee bar once a month ― they go through a lot of coffee! Your family or your small group could provide Folger’s canisters, Coffeemate creamer, one to five pound bags of sugar, Styrofoam cups, and stir sticks monthly.
Central & HopeChoice

HopeChoice, formerly CareNet (1501 S. Taylor Street), provides medical services and counseling for unwed mothers, parenting classes and resources for new moms and dads, and mentoring and preventative programs for young people. More than 25,000 students per month are impacted by the HopeChoice programs and last year 887 young ladies walked into Hope Choice considering abortion but then made a decision for life for their babies.
This year Central has given another $25,000 to HopeChoice to fund the college retreats. Hundreds of the students who've gone through the mentoring programs through the years are now in college and these retreats allow HopeChoice to continue supporting them as they make a Kingdom mark on their university campuses. Central's funds are paying for three retreats in 2019 ― meals, lodging, activities, supplies, and speakers. Our church is also funding the summer college interns at HopeChoice who develop and video the lessons that will be used this fall in Amarillo area classrooms.
Central Desserts and Tour at HopeChoice
7:00pm Thursday May 2
Our entire church family is invited to a free evening of desserts and tours at HopeChoice this Thursday. You can meet the staff, learn more about the ministry there, thank and encourage Candy Gibbs, or ask questions about the many volunteer opportunities. Please join us!
Volunteer Opportunities @ HopeChoice

Parenting Class
We need four volunteers to serve as facilitators for Tuesday evening parenting classes. These classes are attended by new parents and by parents in the state's CPS program. Volunteers will start a video and then lead a small round-table discussion following the set curriculum.

Benevolence Room
We need six volunteers (possibly a Bible class or small group) to organize and operate the benevolence room, sorting and shelving donated items such as toys, diapers, and clothes for distribution to
new parents and families, at the MediPark location.

Buying Supplies
We need two volunteers this summer to help purchase and gather supplies for the school year presentations that begin in the fall. Your shopping skills and HopeChoice's money ― a match made in heaven!