Faith Forum: Redefining Blessed
How Jesus Speaks into Disability, our Limitations, and God's Kingdom
Date: November 3, 2024
Guest Speaker: Micha Boyett

Our third Faith Forum will be "Redefining Blessed: How Jesus Speaks into Disability, our Limitations, and God's Kingdom," facilitated by guest speaker and author Micha Boyett. The event will be on Sunday, November 3rd featuring 3 sessions from 9:00am – 1:30pm.
What do you need to do? Just show up! We’ll kick things off at 9:00 am in Sneed Hall with teens and adults. We will move to the Worship Center for a time of worship and the second session with all ages. For those participating in the third session, lunch is provided between sessions, and the final session will be back in Sneed Hall.
Kids will have their normal classes at 9:00am. Children's worship is canceled for the day so kids can be in service for the second session (toddler and nursery services are provided). If families are staying, kids will eat lunch with their families in Sneed Hall before parents drop them off at the check-in desk at 12:20pm for the third session.
We're excited to have all ages participate in Faith Forum!
Session 1 (Sneed Hall)
Session 2 & Sunday Worship (Worship Center)
Lunch Provided for Those Attending the Third Session
(Sneed Hall)
Third Session (Sneed Hall)

speaker bio
Micha Boyett is a freelance writer and the author of Blessed Are The Rest of Us: How Limits and Longing Make Us Whole; Found: A Story of Questions, Grace, and Everyday Prayer; and was a contributor to the New York Times bestseller A Rhythm of Prayer. She is a cohost of the award-winning Down syndrome advocacy podcast The Lucky Few, and is the creator and host of The Slow Way podcast and letter.
A native Amarilloan (Tascosa ‘97!), Micha lives with her husband and three children in Northern New Jersey, works part-time as a youth director at Good Shepherd Church in New York City, and refuses to put anything but M&Ms in her froyo.
WHAt is faith forum?
When you have questions, where do you go? We strive to be a church community that welcomes questions. Introducing Faith Forum—a safe place to have in-depth and open conversation on relevant topics.
As a follower of Christ, you desire a relevant faith in today’s culture, and you want to be faithful to God in all you do. But you’re faced with polarizing topics and may feel pressure to pick a side. More than that, you may question what a faithful, Christ-like response should be. We understand the uncertainty you are faced with, and we see the need to address these important topics.
We are providing Faith Forum to look at relevant topics, equip you with deeper knowledge, and to generate open dialogue in our church community. Our third Faith Forum is November 3, and we’re excited to have Micha Boyett as our guest speaker. We invite you to attend and participate in Faith Forum. We hope to help you grow in depth of knowledge and open the door for further conversation. May God use this event to move us from where we are today to being better equipped to converse with one another and consider difficult topics through the context of our faith community.
We want to promote an open posture and faithful approach to topics we experience in our culture. Faith Forum is intended to be a time of extended learning and immersion in each topic paired with open conversation. As a church, we will follow the initial Sunday experience with more opportunities to process and dialogue about what we’re learning. We strive to be a church community that welcomes questions. Faith Forum is a safe place to discuss relevant topics and have in-depth conversation. Let’s ask our questions together.

Continuing the conversation
We strive to be a church community that welcomes questions.
And we know that one Sunday is not long enough to dive into these topics.
Please be watching for details on these upcoming follow-up conversations.
11.06.24 - Wednesday Night Follow-Up Class (Commons)
11.13.24 - Wednesday Night Follow-Up Class (Commons)