Central Church of Christ is a community of people committed to living out
the mission of God as we follow Jesus and invite others to join us.

We care about your faith journey.
And these are 3 easy-to-remember ways to get involved with your faith community. Connect with worship. Gathering as one body in Christ for worship is an important practice to connect us to God and one another. Grow in classes and groups. Spiritual growth happens within relationships. Being in a class and/or a group is a great way to experience transformation. Serve on mission. We are called to be on mission. There are a multitude of ways to serve at Central and/or in your own community.
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We are disciples of Jesus
in the process of being transformed. We believe God’s great purpose and will for our lives is for us to be changed into the image of his Son through the work of the Holy Spirit. Nobody’s arrived yet, and nobody’s perfect. All of us are on a journey toward Christ-likeness.
And we are on a mission.
God is saving us in order to be a blessing to others. It is our calling to continually share his love and grace throughout Amarillo and around the world.