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Advent begins December 1
and goes through December 24

Welcome to the season of Advent!


As we prepare and ready ourselves for Advent, "the Coming of Jesus Christ," we read and reflect on the biblical Christmas narratives of Jesus' arrival.  Maybe there's more to these stories than Christmas productions, special worship services, and holiday ornaments and decor? Join Central as together we learn to practice the way of Jesus Christ during this Christmas season and beyond.  

Week 1
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dec 1

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​Matthew 1:18-21


​Joseph's decision to remain married and committed to Mary exemplifies a Husband and Father who is humble, loyal, and self-sacrificial.  What does this story say about God? Why does Joseph's character matter in this Christmas story? 


​This week intentionally seek ways to practice self-sacrifice and humility.  Pray that God will soften your heart towards a challenging situation or person.  

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dec 8

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Luke 2:1-7


The story of Joseph and Mary given a place to stay while Mary was giving birth to Jesus reflects an individual offering radical hospitality to a young couple in need.  This sets the stage later in Jesus' life where he is often criticized and threated for the people he receives and welcomes.  This type of hospitality comes at a price. 


During these holidays, you may have an opportunity to host family, friends, and strangers.  How will you reflect Christ's radical hospitality of welcome, grace, and love? 

Week 1
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dec 15

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Luke 1:26-38


This week we invite you to consider and pay attention to God's presence in your everyday life. Read the passage and consider how engaged the Angels are in this advent story. Note how much divine activity is taking place from blessings, promises, and the pouring out of the Holy Spirit. Imagine how you would feel if you were Mary.


How can this story help us understand God's activity in our lives?


As an individual or household, read the text and then draw a picture of the scene. Make sure and draw a picture of Gabriel, an Angel. Remind yourself of God's presence over every moment.

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dec 22

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Matthew 2:1-12


The Magi from the East brought the greatest of gifts worthy of a King. But imagine this story more like a scene of gift exchanging rather than gift giving.


What gifts were the Magi going to receive from God in the form of Jesus' birth? Consider how Christ's arrival is the greatest gift you will receive.


A highly important tradition of the Christmas season is gift giving and generosity.


Spend time in prayer considering how God is calling you to be generous. Now ask, how is God being generous in your life right now?

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